29 Ιανουαρίου 1998



(Greek National Committee of the International Helsinki Federation)


(Greek Affiliate of Minority Rights Group International)

P.O. Box 51393, GR-14510 Kifisia, Greece; tel. 30-1-620.01.20; fax: 30-1-807.57.67;

e-mail: office@greekhelsinki.gr      http://www.greekhelsinki.gr/









The cooperating organizations Greek Helsinki Monitor and Minority Rights Group - Greece denounce the continuation of informal deportations in the area of Ferres in the Evros prefecture. This operation proves that there are sectors within the local police  who are opposed to the implementation of the Ministry of Public Order’s political decisions. A fact which, not only reduces the possibility for refugees to present their personal stories and ask for asylum, but shows a tendency of “autonomy” of local authorities from the political leadership, which is a very real danger for democratic legislation.


Besides, it is understood that whatsoever improvements on a legislative level, such as those which will be brought about by the plans under discussion for the presidential decree on the asylum procedures (for example the potential for adequate information for asylum seekers about all their rights) are essentially  invalidated, in reality, if  security forces in that particular border area continue to act in obvious violation of the rights of  persecuted refugees.


This practice, combined with the provocative indifference of the European Governments about the waves of Kurdish refugees, leads one to assume that, unfortunately the related  Geneva Convention ends up by being, in practice non-enforceable. This negative scene is strengthened by  the information  that the relevant authorities recommend to potential refugees to follow the well-known registration procedures of economic migrants This will have as a result that he will not be entitled to legal protection as a refugee - even if he has all the attributes of a political refugee - if at some time in the future he is not able to renew his “green card”.



Also extremely worrying is the phenomenon of the persistence of the enforcement of judicial deportation of immigrants, occurring at a time when immigrants are registering at OAED (Unemployment Agency). This situation deteriorated after the inadmissible legal opinion by a district attorney, in which: “appeal must not prevent the court imposed deportation”. All this clearly shows that the present presidential decrees on the legalization of immigrants have many “loop-holes” which are “exploited” judiciously by those who don’t agree with the ideals of solidarity and the fight against discrimination at the expense of foreigner

23 Ιανουαρίου 1998

Serious Human Rights Problems in Kosovo and Montenegro


(Greek National Committee of the International Helsinki Federation)


(Greek Affiliate of Minority Rights Group International)

P.O. Box 51393, GR-14510 Kifisia, Greece; tel. 30-1-620.01.20; fax: 30-1-807.57.67;

e-mail: office@greekhelsinki.gr      http://www.greekhelsinki.gr/







TOPIC: Serious Human Rights Problems in Kosovo and Montenegro


The cooperating organizations Greek Helsinki Monitor and Minority Rights Group - Greece distribute the latest press release of the International Helsinki Federation on Kosovo and Montenegro.


Kosovo: Urgent Appeal For Courage, Leadership, and Cooperation 

Belgrade, Pristine, Podgoriza, 21 January 1998 


The situation in Kosovo has reached an unprecedented danger level, which requires urgent, determined efforts to convince FRY President Slobodan Milosovic to agree to a process of international mediation about the future political status of Kosovo. 


A delegation of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights and its affiliates in Kosovo, Montenegro, Norway, and Serbia* , recommend an immediate initiative to convene an international, "Dayton-like" conference to resolve the present crisis, which threatens to escalate into a bloody military confrontation. 


As an expert observer in Kosovo remarked, "Concern is not a policy.

"  Our organizations urgently call attention to the following: 

·      The resolve of Kosovo Albanians to deal non-violently with Serb oppression is reaching the point of exhaustion. Other ominous indications of possible forthcoming dangerous escalation of violence are the appearance of the so-called "Kosovo Liberation Army" that has assumed responsibility for at least 17 killings of Serbian related targets, as well as the massive and peaceful protests of Albanian students, which have been violently broken up by  Serbian police. 

·      The IHF held discussions with numerous observers and leaders, including President of the self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo, Dr. Ibrahim Rugova, and other prominent figures, as well as interviews with local human rights defenders and villagers from the region of Drenica, where a Serbian police convoy was ambushed in November 1997. The IHF has been given three possible explanations for acts of armed violence in this region: acts by a coherent organization, referred to in the media as the "Kosovo Liberation Army"; cases of individual armed resistance by desperate groups, defending their homes and families; and acts perpetrated by Serbian secret police as a pretext for increased military intervention in Kosovo, in order to tighten their grip on the already oppressed region. In any event, the level of violence has increased dramatically, and there are areas, visited by the IHF delegation, which are now avoided by Serb police. 

·      The IHF delegation received numerous reports of preparations by Serbian military and police forces, including special police exercises in the Denica villages of Kuchiche and Golesh, and in the vicinity of the villages of Peja and Lipjan, as well as the special police training site at Ajvalia, apparently aimed at intimidating the Albanian population, and in preparation for a large-scale military crack-down. Increased militarization of Kosovo reportedly includes arming of Serb civilians with additional weapons. Notorious Serb paramilitary leader "Arkan" has also reportedly been observed in the area, an indication of possible violence against Albanians. 

·      Organizations of Albanian students plan more non-violent demonstrations, which the IHF commends as a brave and peaceful approach, but which must not be broken up by violent intervention of Serbian police forces.  The IHF recommends that international organizations express their solidarity with these students and their legitimate demands for release of the premises of the university. The Education Agreement must be implemented immediately as a first step toward normalization. 


Furthermore, international institutions should support confidence-building measures on the level of civil society, which will facilitate implementation of an international political solution.  



The IHF delegation urges respect for the outcome of the recent Montenegrin Presidential elections, which were found to be fair by OSCE and other international observers. 


We strongly recommend that OSCE monitor the upcoming parliamentary elections. Representatives of the People’s Party (Novak Kilibarda), the Liberal Alliance (Ranco Demovic), the Democratic Union of Albanian’s (Ferhat Dinosha) and the Bulatovic fraction of the Democratic Party of Socialists (Milatin Ojdanic), as well as the Montenegrin Minister of Foreign Affairs (Branko Perovic) all expressed support for this recommendation. 


Furthermore, the IHF urges an OSCE presence in Montenegro aimed at strengthening democratic institutions and the rule of law. 


We believe a positive process has begun, under which minorities in Montenegro can begin more fully to exercise their rights and participate in political life. We reject efforts by some media to mobilize Montenegrins against their fellow citizens through "hate speech." 


At this time, the freedom of movement of Montenegrin citizens is limited by the closure of borders with Albania and Croatia. This policy of the Federal authorities is baseless and suggests political manipulation. 


All the political figures with whom the IHF spoke, including the representative of the Bulatovic faction, supported a negotiated political solution to the "Kosovo problem."


The delegation included Aaron Rhodes, Executive Director of the IHF; Jennifer Lincoln-Lewis, IHF Secretariat; Bjorn Engesland, Secretary General of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee; Sonja Biserko, Chairman of the Serbian Helsinki Committee; Gazmend Pula, Chairman of the Kosovo Helsinki Committee; Slobodan Franovic, Chairman of the Montenegrin Helsinki Committee; and Branislav Pantovic, Montenegrin Helsinki Committee. Obrad Savic of Belgrade Circle also took part. 


The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF) is a non-governmental organization which monitors compliance with the human rights provisions of the Helsinki Final Act and its follow-up documents. In addition to supporting and providing liaison among 34 Helsinki committees, the IHF has direct links with human rights activists where no Helsinki committees exists. It criticizes human rights abuses regardless of the political system of the state where these abuses occur.  



(Ελληνική Εθνική Επιτροπή της Διεθνούς Ομοσπονδίας Ελσίνκι για τα Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα)


(Ελληνικό Τμήμα της Διεθνούς Ομάδας για τα Δικαιώματα των Μειονοτήτων)

Τ.Θ. 51393, 14510 Κηφισιά, Tηλ. 620.01.20; Fax: 807.57.67;

e-mail: office@greekhelsinki.gr ιστοσελίδα: http://www.greekhelsinki.gr/









Οι συνεργαζόμενες οργανώσεις μας Ελληνικό Παρατηρητήριο των Συμφωνιών του Ελσίνκι & Ελληνική Ομάδα για τα Δικαιώματα των Μειονοτήτων θεωρούν θετικό βήμα τη σημερινή αναγγελία κατάργησης του Αρθρου 19 του Κώδικα Ελληνικής Ιθαγένειας με το οποίο αφαιρέθηκε η ιθαγένεια από χιλιάδες μειονοτικούς Ελληνες πολίτες (“αλλογενείς” κατά το ρατσιστική αυτή διάταξη που εφαρμοζόταν μέχρι και το 1997). Βέβαια, θα ήταν προτιμότερο η κατάργηση να είχε αναδρομική ισχύ ή τουλάχιστο να περιλάμβανε τους ανιθεγενείς της Θράκης που έχασαν την ιθαγένειά τους ενώ δεν ήταν εγκαταστημένοι στο εξωτερικό, όπως προέβλεπε η διάταξη, αλλά στην Ελλάδα. Καλούμε την πολιτεία να προχωρήσει αμέσως στην απόδοση της ιθαγένειας στους ανιθαγενείς αυτούς καθώς και στην άρση των διοικητικών μέτρων απαγόρευσης εισόδου στους πρώην Ελληνες πολίτες που έχασαν την ιθαγένεια τους και μένουν στο εξωτερικό.


Η σημερινή εξέλιξη, όπως και οι περυσινές υπογραφές των Συμβάσεων του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης για τις Μειονότητες και την Ιθαγένεια και η πριν ένα χρόνο κύρωση του Συμφώνου του ΟΗΕ για τα Ατομικά και Πολιτικά Δικαιώματα, καταγράφει μιαν προσπάθεια -πολύ καθυστερημένου βέβαια- εκσυγχρονισμού της κατάστασης των ανθρώπινων δικαιωμάτων στην Ελλάδα. Καλούμε την κυβέρνηση να προχωρήσει ταχύτατα στην υπογραφή και των υπόλοιπων διεθνών κειμένων που εκκρεμούν -όπως του ΟΗΕ για τον περιορισμό της ανιθαγένειας και του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης για τις περιφερειακές ή μειονοτικές γλώσσες. Καθώς και στην κύρωση των κειμένων που έχουν υπογραφεί αλλά όχι ακόμα κυρωθεί.


Το κυριότερο όμως είναι ο εκσυγχρονισμός στο χώρο της δικαιοσύνης ώστε να σταματήσουν οι εξωφρενικές δίκες που εκθέτουν διεθνώς την Ελλάδα καθώς δημιουργούν την εντύπωση ύπαρξης ολοκληρωτικής και σκοταδιστικής νοοτροπίας. Αυτό γιατί διώκονται πολίτες για έκφραση ή διακίνηση απόψεων που πρέπει να είναι σεβαστές σε μια δημοκρατία ανεξάρτητα από το αν είναι ή δεν είναι σωστές ή αποδεκτές από τη μεγάλη πλειοψηφία του πληθυσμού. Επισημαίνουμε τις χαρακτηριστικότερες επικείμενες δίκες -που παραμένουν σχεδόν άγνωστες στο ευρύ κοινό λόγω της απαράδεκτης σχεδόν καθολικής σιωπής των ελληνικών ΜΜΕ:


1.    Στις 19/2/1998 δικάζεται στην Κομοτηνή η Εύα Ανδρουτσοπούλου για παράβαση του άρθρου 4 του (μεταξικού) ΑΝ 1363/1938. Κατηγορείται ότι σε ιδιωτικό φροντιστήριο όπου δίδασκε γερμανικά “κατά μήνα Μάιο 1995 και κατά ημερομηνία που δεν εξακριβώθηκε ενήργησε προσηλυτισμό δια καταχρήσεως της απειρίας άλλων (…) προσπάθησε με έμμεσο τρόπο, ήτοι κάνοντας συχνές αναφορές κατά την ώρα του μαθήματος στο Βουδισμό και σε θρησκευτικές αντιλήψεις της ανατολής, τη διείσδυση των μαθητών στη θρησκευτική συνείδηση ετεροδόξων, με σκοπό τη μεταβολή του περιεχομένου αυτής (θρησκευτικής συνείδησης).” Η δίωξη ήταν αποτέλεσμα αναφοράς στην Εισαγγελία του Μητροπολίτη Κομοτηνής, που έδωσε και σχετική κατάθεση. Σημειώνεται πως η κατηγορούμενη δεν είναι καν Βουδίστρια. Είναι η πρώτη δίκη για προσηλυτισμό στην Ελλάδα μετά την καταδίκη της από το Ευρωπαϊκό Δικαστήριο Ανθρώπινων Δικαιωμάτων στην υπόθεση Κοκκινάκη το 1993 και ενώ αναμένεται νέα καταδικαστική για την Ελλάδα απόφαση για παλαιότερη καταδίκη προτεσταντών Ελλήνων για προσηλυτισμό.

2.    Στις 19/3/1998 δικάζεται στη Φλώρινα ο Τραϊανός Πασόης για “διασπορά ψευδών ειδήσεων” (άρθρο 191 του ΠΚ). Κατά το κατηγορητήριο, το 1996, το ηγετικό αυτό στέλεχος του μειονοτικού κόμματος “Ουράνιο Τόξο,” εισερχόμενο στην Ελλάδα, είχε ημερολόγια τοίχου, τα οποία κατά το κατηγορητήριο “εξυμνούσαν ευθέως αμφισβητούμενες και προδοτικές πράξεις και αποφάσεις” υπονοώντας τις θέσεις του ΚΚΕ για το μακεδονικό στο μεσοπόλεμο, ενώ είχαν μακεδονικά τοπωνύμια. Μεταξύ των μαρτύρων κατηγορίας είναι και ο Μητροπολίτης Φλώρινας.

3.    Στις 24/3/1998 εκδικάζεται από το Ευρωπαϊκό Δικαστήριο Ανθρώπινων Δικαιωμάτων η υπόθεση της απαγόρευσης ίδρυσης της Στέγης Μακεδονικού Πολιτισμού. Για το θέμα αυτό υπάρχει ομόφωνη εισήγηση της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής  για την καταδίκη της χώρας για παραβίαση του άρθρου 11 της Ευρωπαϊκής Σύμβασης για τα Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα που κατοχυρώνει την ελευθερία του συνεταιρίζεσθαι. Η επιχειρηματολογία του ελληνικού Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών στην υπόθεση αυτή αντικατοπτρίζει την ίδια σκοταδιστική νοοτροπία που αναφέρθηκε παραπάνω. Στο Δικαστήριο αυτό εκκρεμούν και άλλες υποθέσεις για θέματα ελευθερίας της θρησκείας λόγω επιμονής της Ελλάδας να μη δεχθεί τους προτεινόμενους συμβιβασμούς.

4.    Στις 15/9/1998, δικάζονται στη Φλώρινα τέσσερα ηγετικά στελέχη του “Ουράνιου Τόξου,” για παράβαση του άρθρου 192 του ΠΚ (πρόκληση και διέγερση σε αμοιβαία διχόνοια), επειδή ανάρτησαν το 1995 πινακίδα που ήταν γραμμένη και στη μητρική γλώσσα των μελών του, τη μακεδονική. Στους μάρτυρες κατηγορίας περιλαμβάνονται οι περισσότεροι τοπικοί κομματικοί και κοινωνικοί παράγοντες.

5.    Τέλος, αναμένεται να προσδιορισθεί η δίκη του Σωτήρη Μπλέτσα, μέλους της Εταιρείας Αρουμάνικου (βλάχικου) Πολιτισμού, επειδή το 1995 φέρεται να διένειμε έντυπο του Γραφείου Λιγότερο Διαδεδομένων Γλωσσών της Ευρωπαϊκής Ενωσης (στο οποίο ο Σ. Μπ. είναι ο “παρατηρητής” για την Ελλάδα) που αναφερόταν και στις μειονοτικές γλώσσες στην Ελλάδα. Η δίωξη για διασπορά ψευδών ειδήσεων (άρθρο 191 του ΠΚ) γίνεται μετά από μήνυση του βουλευτή της ΝΔ Ευγένιου Χαϊτίδη και στους μάρτυρες κατηγορίας περιλαμβάνεται η ηγεσία της Πανελλήνιας Ενωσης Πολιτιστικών Συλλόγων Βλάχων.

Αν λοιπόν η Ελλάδα, με την ευκαιρία της επικείμενης (από 1/5/1998) Προεδρίας του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης, θέλει να κάνει “επίθεση” στον τομέα των ανθρώπινων δικαιωμάτων, η πολιτική ηγεσία οφείλει πρώτα από όλα να επιμορφώσει σχετικά τις διωκτικές και δικαστικές αρχές ώστε να τηρούν ευλαβικά τις διεθνείς συμβάσεις που έχει κυρώσει η χώρα και να μην επηρεάζονται από ακραίους πολιτικούς και θρησκευτικούς κύκλους.


(Greek National Committee of the International Helsinki Federation)


(Greek Affiliate of Minority Rights Group International)

P.O. Box 51393, GR-14510 Kifisia, Greece; tel. 30-1-620.01.20; fax: 30-1-807.57.67;

e-mail: office@greekhelsinki.gr web site: http://www.greekhelsinki.gr/











The cooperating organizations Greek Helsinki Monitor and Minority Rights Group - Greece believe that today’s announcement of the abolition of Article 19 of the Greek Citizenship Code is a positive step. The Article had been used to strip thousands of minority Greek citizens (considered as ‘of non-Greek ethnic origin’ -allogenous- in that racist provision that was being implemented through 1997) of their citizenship. Naturally, it would have been preferable that the abolition be retroactive or at least include the stateless of Thrace who have been deprived of their citizenship though they had not settled abroad, as was required by the provision, but lived in Greece. WE call upon the state to promptly grant these people their citizenship back and lift all administrative measures preventing former Greek citizens who lost their citizenship and live abroad to enter Greece.


Today’s development -like last year’s signatures of the Council of Europe’s Conventions on Minorities and Citizenship as well as the ratification, one year ago, of the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights- is symptomatic of an effort to -very belatedly of course- modernize the human rights situation in Greece. We call on the government to swiftly sign the remaining pending international documents -like the UN’s on the reduction of statelessness and the Council of Europe’s on minority or regional languages. Likewise to ratify the documents signed but not yet ratified.


The priority though concerns the area of justice, so that the outrageous trials that expose Greece internationally stop, as they create the impression that there exists a totalitarian and obscurantist mentality. This as people are persecuted for expressing or disseminating opinions which must be respected in a democracy regardless of whether they are or are not accurate or acceptable by the large majority of the population. We mention here the most characteristic forthcoming trials -which remain almost unknown to the public as a result of the near complete silence of the Greek media on them.


1.    On 19/2/1998, Eva Androutsopoulos goes on trial in Komotini for the violation of article 4 of the (Metaxas regime’s) Obligatory Law 1363/1938. She is charged for, when teaching German language in a private tutorial school (‘frontistirio’) “in the month of May 1995 and on a date that was not ascertained she proselytized by abusing of the inexperience of others (…) attempting in an indirect way, that is by making frequent references during class time to Buddhism and to religious beliefs of the Orient, to introduce pupils to the religious conscience of believers in different dogmas (‘heterodox’), aiming at changing the content of their religious conscience. The prosecution was triggered by a report to the public prosecutor by the Bishop of Komotini who also given related testimony. Let it be noted that the defendant is not even a Buddhist. This is the first trial on proselytism in Greece after the country’s conviction by the European Court of Human Rights on the Kokkinakis affair in 1993, and while a new conviction of Greece is expected for an older conviction of Greek Protestants on proselytism.  

2.    On 19/3/1998, Traianos Pasois goes on trial in Florina for “disseminating false information” (article 191 of the Penal Code). According to the indictment, in 1996, this Rainbow minority party leader, while entering Greece, carried calendars which, according to the charges, “were praising directly controversial and treacherous actions and decisions” implying the KKE’s stand on the Macedonian question in the inter-war period, while they also included toponyms in Macedonian. The prosecution’s witnesses include the Bishop of Florina.

3.    On 24/3/1998, the European Court of Human Rights will hear the case of the refusal by the courts of the registration of the Shelter for Macedonian Culture. A unanimous decision of the European Commission recommends the conviction of Greece for the violation of article 11 of the European Human Rights Convention on the freedom of association. The arguments of the Greek Foreign Ministry in this case  are also reminiscent of the same aforementioned obscurantist mentality. Many other cases related to religious freedom and concerning Greece are pending before that court following Greece’s systematic refusal to accept any of the proposed settlements.

4.    On 15/9/1998, four “Rainbow” leaders are tried in Florina for the violation of article 192 of the Penal Code (causing or inciting citizens to acts of violence), because in 1995 the put up a sign written also in its members’ mother tongue, Macedonian. Witnesses for the prosecution include most local party and society leaders.  

5.    Finally, a day in court is expected for Sotiris Bletsas, member of the Society for Aroumanian (Vlach) Culture, because in 1995 he had allegedly distributed a publication of the European Union’s Bureau for Lesser Used Languages (in which Sotiris Bletsas is the Greek “observer”) which mentioned the minority languages in Greece. The prosecution for dissemination of false information (article 191 of the Penal Code) was triggered by charges pressed by ND deputy Eugene Haitidis and the prosecution’s witnesses include the leadership of the Panhellenic Union of Vlach Associations. 

If therefore Greece, on the occasion of the forthcoming (from 1/5/1998) Presidency of the Council of Europe, wants to be aggressive in the field of human rights, her political authorities must first and foremost train the prosecuting and court authorities so that they respectfully apply the international document ratified by the country and not be influenced by extremist political and church circles. 

22 Ιανουαρίου 1998

Serious Human Rights Problems in Croatia


(Greek National Committee of the International Helsinki Federation)


(Greek Affiliate of Minority Rights Group International)

P.O. Box 51393, GR-14510 Kifisia, Greece; tel. 30-1-620.01.20; fax: 30-1-807.57.67;

e-mail: office@greekhelsinki.gr      http://www.greekhelsinki.gr/







TOPIC: Serious Human Rights Problems in Croatia


The cooperating organizations Greek Helsinki Monitor and Minority Rights Group - Greece distribute the latest press release of the Croatian Helsinki Committee on serious human rights problems in Croatia.


Zagreb, January 22, 1998




The Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights continuously monitors the human rights situation on the territory of the Republic of Croatia. It has especially devoted its attention to crisis areas where, until now, the most serious human rights violations have been recorded. Related to this issue, the Committee wishes to inform the public about its opinion concerning these events and the general human rights situation in the Croatian Danube region and the parts of the Croatian territory liberated as a result of the military and police operations "Flash" and "Storm".


The CHC welcomes the termination of the UNTAES mandate and the peaceful return of the Croatian Danube region into the constitutional and legal system of the Republic of Croatia. The Committee believes that in such a way the fundamental pre-conditions for the establishment of the state of law are being created, with respect for human rights on the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia. However, we wish to warn the public about the fact that the most difficult part is still to come.


With the conclusion of the UNTAES mandate, the process of the reintegration of people who lived in the region before the war. By taking over complete control of power in the Croatian Danube region, Croatia has to create the pre-conditions for the building of a 'normal life' for all of its citizens in the region. This presupposes the two way return of all displaced reasons and refugees, the initiation of along process of reconciliation and the rebuilding of confidence among people who were, until yesterday, on opposite sides.    


However, the alarming news related to the events in the Croatian Danube region, which the CHC and other international monitors have been receiving recently, give cause for further concern.


The return of Croatian refugees to villages currently inhabited by Serbs resettled there from other parts of Croatia by the Serb paramilitary authorities is still not allowed. At the same time, citizens of Serb ethnicity are not being allowed to return to their homes in other parts of the Republic of Croatia. Such a situation has encouraged numerous citizens to attempt to take the law into their own hands in the hopes of securing their "rights". Imbued with this spirit, in the last couple of days organized groups of Croats have visited villages in the Croatian Danube region  threatening and trying to forcefully evict current residents of Serb ethnicity.  


With respect to the return of Serb residents to the areas liberated in the military operations "Storm" and "Flash", the situation is mostly unchanged. They are not allowed to return to their homes, because Croatian authorities at all levels and using various means have been trying to prevent their return. Their houses have been colonized in the meantime by Croats from Bosnia and Herzegovina, or taken by force in looting crusades by citizens of the Republic of Croatia while the authorities are tolerating and encouraging this kind of behavior. These types of activities have all been tacitly approved and tolerated by the government of the Republic of Croatia.  The retroactive formal legalization of these activities, through the issuance of legally binding court decisions, has the function, in any state of law, of none other than the legalization of state-sponsored pillaging and  terrorism.


In this manner, individuals, settlers colonized from Bosnia and Herzegovina, occupy several houses at a time, "reserving" them for children as young as 10 to 12 years old.

On the territory of the Municipality of Slunj, in Veljun, there are numerous cases of pressures and abuses directed towards not only the small number of the remaining Serb but even Croat residents by both known and unknown people. This is how, for example, T.T from Zagreb received, after the military operation "Storm", on the basis of unknown criteria, two family houses for use in the village of To¼ak, houses whose rightful owners are currently living in the Republic of Croatia.T.T., however, was not satisfied with only two houses and, according to information published in the newspapers, he robbed several other houses .Representatives from the Ministry of the Interior were duly informed about these events. Furthermore, T.T. has continued to terrorize citizens of Serb ethnicity and threatens to "liquidate" them by throwing explosive devices in front of their houses. He has even physically abused some of them such as, for example, the resident whom he hit with a hammer while threatening to kill him in his own house. Despite the fact that the police pressed charges against him, according to the information we received, because of the theft of private property from several abandoned weekend and family houses (some of which are inhabited by Croats), T.T. has done nothing to change his behavior. All this leads to the conclusion that there is either a grand plan, or at least there are those in powerful places, who by protecting various hooligans, are creating an atmosphere of general lawlessness and plunder. It is, therefore, not surprising that numerous citizens of the region are afraid to sleep in their own houses and that some of those residents of Serb ethnicity who remained to live in the region after the military operation "Storm" or have subsequently returned, are seriously pondering departing for good.    


The Committee wishes to make the public aware of the latest incidents in the Pakrac municipality, where the local authorities have been issuing documents to residents of Serb ethnicity by which they are forced to vacate the homes in which they have been temporarily housed because their own homes are either occupied or destroyed. Croats from B-H have thereupon been resettled in these in these recently vacated houses which attests to the fact that the resettlement of Croats from B-H into the Republic of Croatia continues unabated and under the auspices of the Croatian authorities.


The Committee would especially like to draw attention to the worrisome situation in the Banija region which borders with B-H and about which the public has already been informed through reports in the Feral Tribune and Ve¼ernji List.


The Committee's monitors have been monitoring the situation in the area for a few months, particularly in the villages of Veliki Obljajand Mali Obljaj, Kobiljak, Bojna and Borovita. CHC field teams have visited the area on several occasions independently or with representatives of other international organizations. The local civil authorities in Glina were informed about the situation and the findings while the local police authorities could not be reached because they were "constantly busy" and these matters were "not in their jurisdiction."


After the military operation "Storm" only a few dozen families continue to live in these villages (others do not dare return). These are mostly elderly people. The Committee has registered that as much as21 families have been subjected to continuous violence by "unknown perpetrators". In ten of these cases these families were physically abused, women were even raped, and they are being insulted daily and this is considered 'normal'. In six cases, in order to intimidate these people, they and their houses were shot at with firearms, two hand grenades went off, while one family was threatened with a hand grenade. Also, on three different occasions money was stolen and in one case a house was set on fire. What is also troubling is the fact that in one and half year 5 tractors, a team with gear, 31 cow, 2 bulls, 7 horses,30 sheep and a lot of other cattle and property were stolen right before the eyes of the police. However, the police did not take into custody one single perpetrator of these criminal acts.


Considering the fact that the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina is very close, police patrols are constantly present and they monitor and register all visits to the village especially since they have been warned of constant criminal activity against the local population. Last year, the police arbitrarily introduced a curfew "for the protection" of the population and prevented them from leaving their houses from 5 p.m. until morning during the winter and from 9 p.m. till morning  during the summer. The villages had electricity and phones until operation "Storm" and now they do not. In their explanation for the introduction of the curfew, the police said it was because of the "police possibly shooting looters and robbers". Therefore, the villagers were not even allowed to stay in the backyards of their houses  since they could accidentally get hurt. The villagers were strictly abiding by these rules even when they could hear their livestock being stolen and their tractors being taken. They believed that the police would intervene since police officers were constantly present in the village. However, not in one single case "were the police in the vicinity." On the contrary,  a number of victims told the CHC field investigators that, as a rule, they were robbed after a police patrol had visited them and checked their estates asking questions about how their houses and barns were locked.


The CHC has reason to believe that certain police officers were passing information to the robbers. The Committee is ready to present the entire documentation on this case to  the Ministry of Interior Affairs provided that it remains confidential.

The most recent incident which seriously casts suspicion on the connection between certain police officers and robbers is an event that took place earlier this year. D.?. was beaten and suffered injuries to his head and chest and his wife was pulled by her hair and tied with a rope. The perpetrators of the crime threatened to kill them and shoved dish towels in their mouths. After that, they were searching their house and the entire estate for two hours and stole all of their property. They stole their team and accompanied by a lot of nice, placed all the stolen goods (food, cattle, furniture and even a humanitarian aid package) in it. The police that were in the village at the time, in a house only 50 meters away from the crime scene,  did not conduct an investigation until the following day which, as usual, did not yield any results. The perpetrators were not identified in this case as they were not identified in previous six cases of plunder and abuse of this same family. Since this is a significant continuation of looting and abuse of the same family, we will list all the instances when this was done by "unknown perpetrators": July 12, 1996 (one cow was stolen), December 7,1996 (one cow), May 12, 1997 (three cows), May 29, 1997 (unknown perpetrators shot at their house), August 10, 1997 (the last cow, 17sheep and the owners were beaten up), August 29, 1997 (a horse, two calves and horse harness). It is interesting to note that police were patrolling the area constantly during the time when these lootings took place. Some police officers were even sleeping in the neighboring house(only a few meters away) while D.?.'s house was being looted. However, they allegedly did not hear anything. One of the most recent examples of violence is the one involving three unidentified men dressed in civilian clothes who broke in the house of M.G. and physically abused her on December 29, 1997 around 4p.m. On that same day, between 5:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. someone threw a bomb in the backyard of Ñ.M.'s house in that same village.


These events indicate that not only are the police in this area ineffective but the collected evidence would indicate that certain police officers directly took part in looting or protected the perpetrators. In one case it was established without a doubt that the police took part in the theft of a tractor in the village of Bojna. It was registered on many different occasions that the police suggested to the victims that they should "for their own safety" keep silent about the incident  and there were even some suggestions that the victims should leave their houses. Also, it should be mentioned that police patrols enter villager's houses whenever they wish, regardless of the time of the day.  The police have even established check points at some of these homes. During winter, police officers even take firewood away from the local population, firewood which the villagers have received from humanitarian organizations because there are unable to supply themselves with what is needed.


Following a petition of the residents of these villages, the CHC and other international monitors visited them and stayed for a couple of days, the members of the Ministry of the Interior became even more harsh and cruel which additionally attests to  their unprofessional behavior.


Drawing attention to these incidents, the CHC invites the authorities of the Republic of Croatia to, in accordance with the principles and norms of international law, guarantee the security of all of its citizens, regardless of their ethnicity, on the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia. We especially emphasize the need for strengthening the rule of law and the security of each individual, which would allow Croatia to fulfil then commitments it has taken on by ratifying international agreements. Such behavior on the part of the Croatian authorities would most effectively contribute to a better perception of Croatia around the world.


For the CHC:

Ivo Banac, a member of the Presidency   

21 Ιανουαρίου 1998



(Ελληνική Εθνική Επιτροπή της Διεθνούς Ομοσπονδίας Ελσίνκι για τα Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα)


(Ελληνικό Τμήμα της Διεθνούς Ομάδας για τα Δικαιώματα των Μειονοτήτων)

Τ.Θ. 51393, 14510 Κηφισιά, Tηλ. 620.01.20; Fax: 807.57.67;

e-mail: office@greekhelsinki.gr ιστοσελίδα: http://www.greekhelsinki.gr/









Οι συνεργαζόμενες οργανώσεις μας Ελληνικό Παρατηρητήριο των Συμφωνιών του Ελσίνκι & Ελληνική Ομάδα για τα Δικαιώματα των Μειονοτήτων θεωρούν απαράδεκτη την επίσημη τουρκική θέση καταδίκης της χορήγησης εγγράφων ταυτότητας και ταξιδιωτικών εγγράφων στους ανιθαγενείς της Θράκης από τις ελληνικές αρχές. Τη θέση αυτή εξέφρασε με δηλώσεις του ο εκπρόσωπος του τουρκικού Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών που δημοσίευσε στις 20/1/98 ο τουρκικός τύπος και περιλαμβάνεται σε περίληψη που διανέμει διεθνώς η ΓΓ Τύπου της Τουρκίας (αναδημοσιεύεται αυτολεξεί παρακάτω, όπως αντιγράφηκε από την ιστοσελίδα της υπηρεσίας αυτής,  για αποφυγή τυχόν αμφισβητήσεων).


Η τουρκική άποψη ότι οι ελληνικές ενέργειες είναι “βαθύτατα απαράδεκτες” δημιουργεί την εντύπωση ότι η Τουρκία τελικά δεν ενδιαφέρεται για τα ατομικά δικαιώματα των μειονοτικών πολιτών της Θράκης αλλά τους θεωρεί όργανο στις διεθνείς σχέσεις της. Γιατί η χορήγηση των εγγράφων αυτών που μετέτρεψε τα “φαντάσματα” της Θράκης σε αξιοπρεπείς πολίτες που μπορούν πια να συναλλάσσονται ως υπαρκτά πρόσωπα με την πολιτεία και να ταξιδεύουν ελεύθερα στο εξωτερικό (και στην Τουρκία) αποτελεί κατ’ αρχή εφαρμογή του νόμου και της σχετικής σύμβασης του ΟΗΕ (που έχει υπογράψει η Ελλάδα αλλά όχι η Τουρκία). Δεύτερο, το καθεστώς της ανιθαγένειας δεν αναγνωρίστηκε τώρα από την Ελλάδα, όπως ισχυρίζεται η Τουρκία, αλλά αποκτήθηκε αυτόματα από τους μειονοτικούς αυτούς όταν έχασαν -κατά απαράδεκτο τρόπο φυσικά- την ιθαγένειά τους. Τρίτο το αίτημα της χορήγησης αυτών των εγγράφων ήταν καθολικό, αφού στηρίχθηκε από σχεδόν όλες τις ελληνικές Μη Κυβερνητικές Οργανώσεις και αρκετές διεθνείς, όλους τους βουλευτές της μειονότητας και όλους τους φορείς της. Η Τουρκία εμφανίζεται έτσι να έρχεται σε αντίθεση με σχεδόν όλη τη μειονότητα (με εξαίρεση ένα δικηγόρο που δυστυχώς αντιτάχθηκε σφοδρά στο μέτρο) και όλη την ελληνική και διεθνή κοινότητα των συνεπών υπερασπιστών των ανθρώπινων δικαιωμάτων. Μήπως η Τουρκία ήθελε οι ανιθαγενείς αυτοί -για τους οποίους ποτέ δεν ενδιαφέρθηκε ούτε αυτή ούτε, μέχρι πρόσφατα, κανένας μειονοτικός παράγοντας- να συνεχίσουν να υποφέρουν για να εξυπηρετείται η εξωτερική πολιτική της;


Φυσικά, οι οργανώσεις μας θα συνεχίσουν να αγωνίζονται για την απόδοση της ιθαγένειας σε όλους τους ανιθαγενείς. Ελπίζουνε δε πως η θρυλούμενη επικείμενη κατάργηση του άρθρου 19 θα περιλάβει και το θέμα αυτό, όπως γνωρίζουμε πως είναι η βούληση του Υπουργείου Δημόσιας Τάξης (το οποίο προς τιμή του επέμεινε, παρά τις αντιδράσεις άλλων κρατικών υπηρεσιών, στη χορήγηση των εγγράφων αυτών). Καλούν δε την κυβέρνηση να επιτρέψει αμέσως την ελεύθερη επίσκεψη στη Ελλάδα όσων έχουν χάσει την υπηκοότητά τους με το άρθρο αυτό και ζουν σήμερα στο εξωτερικό και την παροχή δυνατότητας σ’ όσους από αυτούς το επιθυμούν να επανακτήσουν την ιθαγένεια.




Turkey yesterday criticized Greece for its decision to issue documents "conferring" stateless status on ethnic Turks in Western Thrace who have been stripped of Greek citizenship under the provisions of Greece's own citizenship law. "Greece's attitude is thoroughly unacceptable. It tries to create an impression that is doing a favor for the stateless citizens. But Greece itself has stripped them of citizenship under the 19th article of its citizenship law" Foreign Ministry Spokesman Necati Utkan told reporters at a press conference yesterday. "Greece is the only country in the world that has based citizenship on ethnic background. We expect that Greece will amend its legislation and introduce new rules with no discrimination based on ethnic origin" Utkan said. /All papers/


source: http://www.byegm.gov.tr/YAYINLARIMIZ/chr/ING98/01/98x01x20.HTM



(Greek National Committee of the International Helsinki Federation)


(Greek Affiliate of Minority Rights Group International)

P.O. Box 51393, GR-14510 Kifisia, Greece; tel. 30-1-620.01.20; fax: 30-1-807.57.67;

e-mail: office@greekhelsinki.gr web site: http://www.greekhelsinki.gr/










The cooperating organizations Greek Helsinki Monitor and Minority Rights Group - Greece consider inadmissible the official Turkish position denouncing the issuing of identity and travel documents by the Greek authorities to the stateless of Thrace. This position was expressed in a declaration made by the spokesperson of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs published in the Turkish press on 20/1/98 and included in the summary distributed internationally by the Turkish Directorate General of Press and Information (reprinted verbatim below from its web site to avoid possible contestations).


The Turkish position that Greece’s action is “thoroughly unacceptable” gives the impression that Turkey is, after all, not interested in the individual rights of the minority citizens of Thrace but, on the contrary, considers them a tool in its international relations. The issuing of these documents, which transformed the “ghosts” of Thrace into dignified citizens able to deal with the state as real persons and to travel freely abroad (including in Turkey) constitutes first of all an implementation of the law and of the relative UN convention (signed by Greece but not by Turkey). Secondly, the status of statelessness was not “conferred” now by Greece, as asserted by Turkey, but was automatically acquired by minority individuals when they lost -of course in an inadmissible way- their citizenship. Thirdly, the demand for the issuing of these documents was supported by almost all Greek Non-Governmental Organizations and several foreign ones, by all deputies of the minority, and by all its organizations. Therefore, Turkey appears to be in opposition to almost all of the minority (with the exception of a lawyer who has unfortunately opposed vehemently this measure) and to all the consistent defenders of human rights of Greece and of the international community. Could it be that Turkey wanted these stateless -in whom neither she nor, until very recently, any minority cadre was ever interested- to continue suffering so as to suit the needs of her foreign policy?


Naturally, our organizations will continue to struggle for the restoration of the citizenship of all stateless persons. In fact they hope that the so much talked about forthcoming abolition of Article 19 will also cover this matter, as we know it to be the will of the Ministry of Public Order (which to its credit insisted, in spite of reactions from other state agencies, that the documents to the stateless be issued). They call upon the government to promptly allow the uninhibited visit to Greece by all those who have lost their citizenship under this article and are presently living abroad, as well as to grant them the possibility of reacquiring their citizenship, should they wish so.






Turkey yesterday criticized Greece for its decision to issue documents “conferring” stateless status on ethnic Turks in Western Thrace who have been stripped of Greek citizenship under the provisions of Greece's own citizenship law. “Greece's attitude is thoroughly unacceptable. It tries to create an impression that is doing a favor for the stateless citizens. But Greece itself has stripped them of citizenship under the 19th article of its citizenship law” Foreign Ministry Spokesman Necati Utkan told reporters at a press conference yesterday. “Greece is the only country in the world that has based citizenship on ethnic background. We expect that Greece will amend its legislation and introduce new rules with no discrimination based on ethnic origin” Utkan said. /All papers/


source: http://www.byegm.gov.tr/YAYINLARIMIZ/chr/ING98/01/98x01x20.HTM


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