01 Οκτωβρίου 1997



(Ελληνική Εθνική Επιτροπή της Διεθνούς Ομοσπονδίας Ελσίνκι για τα Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα)


(Ελληνικό Τμήμα της Διεθνούς Ομάδας για τα Δικαιώματα των Μειονοτήτων)

Τ.Θ. 51393, 14510 Κηφισιά, Tηλ. 620.01.20; Fax: 807.57.67; E-mail: helsinki@compulink.gr









Οι συνεργαζόμενες οργανώσεις μας Ελληνικό Παρατηρητήριο των Συμφωνιών του Ελσίνκι & Ελληνική Ομάδα για τα Δικαιώματα των Μειονοτήτων απευθύνουν έκκληση στη διεθνή κοινότητα, σε ενδιαφερόμενα άτομα και, ιδίως, σε κυβερνητικές και μη κυβερνητικές οργανώσεις, καθώς και στα ΜΜΕ να διαμαρτυρηθούν δημόσια για την -πρωτοφανή για δημοκρατική χώρα- επικείμενη δίκη των Πέτρου Βασιλειάδη, Παύλου Βοσκόπουλου, Βασίλη Ρόμα και Κώστα Τασόπουλου,  με την ιδιότητά τους των στελεχών του “Ουράνιου Τόξου” -του κόμματος της μακεδονικής μειονότητας στην Ελλάδα- για δημόσια χρήση της μητρικής τους γλώσσας. Αυτές οι διαμαρτυρίες μπορούν να λάβουν τη μορφή δηλώσεων και/ή επιστολών στον πρωθυπουργό της Ελλάδας και/ή στις ελληνικές πρεσβείες σε διάφορες χώρες. Επίσης απευθύνουν έκκληση στους παραπάνω  φορείς να στείλουν παρατηρητές στη δίκη που θα γίνει στις 14/10/97, στη Φλώρινα. Η Διεθνής Ομοσπονδία Ελσίνκι έχει αποφασίσει να στείλει μια ευρεία πολυεθνική ομάδα παρατηρητών. Παρακαλείστε να στείλετε αντίγραφα τέτοιων δηλώσεων ή επιστολών στις οργανώσεις μας. (βλπ. διεύθυνση παραπάνω)


Είναι αξιοσημείωτο ότι στους μάρτυρες κατηγορίας συγκαταλέγονται τα τοπικά στελέχη και των τότε πέντε βασικών κομμάτων (ΠΑΣΟΚ, ΝΔ, Πολ. Ανοιξη, ΚΚΕ, ΣΥΝ) καθώς και ηγέτες επαγγελματικών συλλόγων (δικηγόρων, εμπόρων, ιερέων, οδηγών ταξί). Οι περισσότεροι από αυτούς, στις προανακριτικές καταθέσεις, χαρακτηρίζουν τους κατηγορουμένους ως “πληρωμένους πράκτορες της σκοπιανής προπαγάνδας”, “ανθέλληνες”, κλπ. Ακολουθεί περίληψη των γεγονότων του Σεπτεμβρίου 1995, το κείμενο της ποινικής δίωξης και το άρθρο του ποινικού κώδικα που φέρεται να  παραβιάστηκε, καθώς και κατάλογος μαρτύρων κατηγορίας.


Τα γεγονότα του Σεπτεμβρίου 1995


Το “Ουράνιο Τόξο” άνοιξε γραφείο στις 6/9/95 στη Φλώρινα, με μια επιγραφή στην οποία αναγραφόταν “Ουράνιο Τόξο - Επιτροπή Φλώρινας” τόσο στην ελληνική όσο και στη μακεδονική γλώσσα. Το βράδυ και τη νύχτα της 13 (και των πρώτων ωρών της 14)/9/95, το γραφείο δέχτηκε επίθεση και λεηλατήθηκε από όχλο, με επικεφαλής  το δήμαρχο Φλώρινας. Πριν από τη λεηλασία, η αστυνομία, ύστερα από εντολή του εισαγγελέα, είχε αφαιρέσει την επιγραφή, ενώ η εισαγγελέας είχε αναγγείλει την άσκηση ποινικής δίωξης για πρόκληση διχόνοιας μεταξύ πολιτών μέσω της χρήσης της μακεδονικής γλώσσας στην πινακίδα. Κανένα πολιτικό κόμμα ή ΜΜΕ δεν καταδίκασε τη λεηλασία των γραφείων του κόμματος. Αντίθετα, επιδοκιμάστηκε από ακροδεξιές εθνικιστικές εφημερίδες και οργανώσεις, όπως ο “Στόχος” και η “Χρυσή Αυγή”, των οποίων μέλη αναφέρθηκε ότι έλαβαν μέρος στη λεηλασία. Η χρήση της δίγλωσσης επιγραφής καταδικάστηκε από όλα τα βασικά πολιτικά κόμματα και από άλλες κοινωνικές οργανώσεις: η τοπική οργάνωση του κυβερνώντος  ΠΑΣΟΚ ξεκίνησε σχετική ποινική δίωξη που αποσύρθηκε αργότερα, όταν αποκαλύφθηκε ότι πολλές υπογραφές είχαν τεθεί χωρίς την έγκριση των ενδιαφερομένων.


Κλητήριο θέσπισμα για τη δίκη στο Μονομελές Πλημμελειοδικείο της Φλώρινας στις 14 Οκτωβρίου 1997


“Ο Βασίλης Ρόμας, ο Κώστας Τασόπουλος, ο Πέτρος Βασιλειάδης και ο Παύλος Βοσκόπουλος στη Φλώρινα την 6/9/95 από κοινού ενεργούντες δημόσια με οποιον-δήποτε τρόπο προκάλεσαν και διέγειραν τους πολίτες σε αμοιβαία διχόνοια και έτσι διαταράχθηκε η κοινή ειρήνη ειδικότερα στον παραπάνω τόπο και χρόνο, ως νόμιμοι εκπρόσωποι του κόμματος με τον τίτλο “Ουράνιο Τόξο” τυγχάνοντες και οι τέσσε-ρεις κατηγορούμενοι, ανήρτησαν στο επί της οδού Ν. Χάσου και Στ. Δραγούμη γραφείο του κόμματος αυτού πινακίδα, στην οποία, μεταξύ των άλλων αναγραφομέ-νων λέξεων, σε σλαβικό γλωσσικό ιδίωμα, αναγράφονται και οι λέξεις “Λερίνσκι Κόμμιτετ”. Οι λέξεις αυτές σε συνδυασμό με το ξενόγλωσσο της αναγραφής τους στο συγκεκριμένο σλαβικό γλωσσικό ιδίωμα προκάλεσαν και διέγειραν σε διχόνοια τους πολίτες της περιοχής οι οποίοι δικαιολογημένα, εκτός των άλλων ταυτίζουν τις λέξεις αυτές με παλαιά τρομοκρατικοί οργάνωση σλαβοφώνων αλλοεθνών, που έδρασε στην περιοχή και οι οποία με εγκλήματα γενοκτονίας του ελληνικού στοιχείου, λεηλασίες και αρπαγές κατά του γηγενούς πληθυσμού επεχείρησε το εξαφανισμό του ελληνικού στοιχείου και την προσάρτηση της μείζονος περιοχής της από αιώνων Ελληνικής Μακεδονίας σε γειτονική και εχθρική τότε προς την Ελλάδα χώρα.”


Μάρτυρες Κατηγορίας


Ν. Μπατσίλας, Αστυφύλακας. Ι. Γερμανίδης, πρόεδρος του Ιατρικού Συλλόγου Φλώρινας και νομαρχιακός σύμβουλος Φλώρινας (Ν.Δ.). Ν. Φανουριάκης, πρόεδρος του Εμπορικού Συλλόγου Φλώρινας. Α. Κωνσταντινίδης, δικηγόρος. Θ. Πάσσαλης, ιερέας-πρωτοσύγγελος της Μητρόπολης Φλώρινας. Α. Γερμανίδης, γραμματέας της Ν.Ε. Φλώρινας του Συνασπισμού. Τ. Κόκκος, δημοσιογράφος. Δ. Λιατόπουλος, έμπορος. Λ. Ναλπαντίδης, πρόεδρος της Κοινότητας Αγίου Αχιλλείου Φλώρινας. Κ. Ζαραβέλης, πρόεδρος του Συλλόγου Ραδιοταξί. Ι. Νόβας, έμπορος. Γ. Μούλης, εκπρόσωπος της Ν.Ε. Φλωρινας του Κ.Κ.Ε. Φ. Κωλέττης, πρόεδρος της Ν.Ε. Φλώρινας της Ν.Δ.. Δ. Τσερκέζος, Γενικός Γραμματέας της “Εθνικής Οργάνωσης Μακεδομάχων του Νομού Φλωρίνης”. Ε. Μαυρόπουλος, αντιπρόσωπος της Ν. Ε. Φλώρινας της ΠΟΛ.ΑΝ. Μ. Τσότσκος, Γραμματέας τη Ν.Ε. Φλώρινας του ΠΑΣΟΚ. Επίσης, η εισαγγελία πρόσθεσε στο φάκελο της δικογραφίας ανακοινώσεις του Δικηγορικού Συλλόγου Φλώρινας και της Γενικής Σύναξης Ιερέων της Μητρόπολης Φλώρινας, που έγιναν το Σεπτέμβριο 1995 και καταγγέλλουν τη δίγλωσση επιγραφή.


Το άρθρο 192 του Ποινικού Κώδικα που φέρεται να παραβιάστηκε


“Οποιος δημόσια με οποιοδήποτε τρόπο προκαλεί ή διεγείρει τους πολίτες σε βιαιοπραγίες μεταξύ τους ή σε αμοιβαία διχόνοια και έτσι διαταράσσει την κοινή ειρήνη, τιμωρείται με φυλάκιση μέχρι δύο ετών, αν σύμφωνα με άλλη διάταξη δεν επιβάλλεται αυστηρότερη ποινή.”


(Greek National Committee of the International Helsinki Federation)


(Greek Affiliate of Minority Rights Group International)

P.O. Box 51393, GR-14510 Kifisia, Greece

Tel. 30-1-620.01.20; Fax: 30-1-807.57.67; E-mail: helsinki@compulink.gr









The cooperating organizations, Greek Helsinki Monitor and Minority Rights Group - Greece, appeal to the international community, to concerned individuals but especially to governmental and non-governmental organizations as well as to the media to publicly protest against the -outrageous for a democratic country- forthcoming trial of Vasilis Romas, Costas Tasopoulos, Petros Vasiliadis, and Pavlos Voskopoulos, in their capacity as leaders of “Rainbow” -the  Macedonian minority party in Greece- for public use of their mother tongue. These protests may take the form of statements and/or letters to the Prime Minister of Greece and/or the Greek Embassies in the various countries. They also appeal to these institutions to send monitors to that trial, to be held on 14/10/1997, in Florina (Northern Greece). The International Helsinki Federation has decided to send a large, multinational monitoring team. Please send copies of such statements or letters to our organizations (see address above).


It is noteworthy that the witnesses of the prosecution include the local leaders of all five main Greek parties at the time (PASOK, ND, Political Spring, KKE, and Coalition); as well as leaders of professional associations (lawyers, merchants, priests, taxi drivers). Most of them, in their pre-trial depositions characterize the defendants as “paid agents of Skopjan propaganda”, “anti-Greeks”, etc. Follow: a summary of the September 1995 events; complete translations of the indictment and of the allegedly violated artcile of the penal code; and the list of witnesses for the prosecution.


The events of September 1995


Rainbow opened an office on 6/9/1995 in Florina, with a sign mentioning “Rainbow - Florina Committee” in both Greek and Macedonian. On the evening and night of 13 (and early hours of 14)/9/1995, the office was attacked and eventually sacked by a ‘mob’, led by the mayor of Florina. Before the sacking, police acting on the prosecutor’s order removed the sign, while the prosecutor announced the indictment of the Rainbow leaders for having incited discord among citizens through the use of the Macedonian language in their sign. No political party, nor any media condemned the sacking of the party offices. On the contrary it was praised by extreme right nationalistic papers like Stohos and Chrysi Avghi, whose members reportedly took part in the sacking. And the use of the bilingual sign was condemned by all mainstream political parties and other social groups: the local PASOK -socialist governing party- organization even initiated a court procedure, later withdrawn as it appeared that many signatures on it had been put without the knowledge of those concerned.


Indictment for the trial at the Single-Member Misdemeanor Court of Florina on October 14, 1997


“Vasilis Romas, Costas Tasopoulos, Petros Vasiliadis, and Pavlos Voskopoulos are responsible for, having acted jointly and in public, in any way having caused and incited mutual hatred among the citizens, so that common peace was disturbed on September 6, 1995 in Florina. Specifically, in the aforementioned place and time, as legally representing the party with the name “Rainbow” (“Ouranio Toxo”), the four defendants hanged a sign in that party’s office - in N. Hasou and St. Dragoumi streets. Among other words written therein, there were the words “Lerinski Komitet” written in a Slavic linguistic idiom. These words, in combination with the fact that they were written in a foreign language, in the specific Slavic linguistic idiom, provoked and incited discord among the area’s citizens. The latter justifiably, besides other things, identify these words with an old terrorist organization of Slavic-speaking alien nationals which was active in the area and which, with genocide crimes, pillages and depredations against the indigenous Greek population, attempted the annihilation of the Greek element and the annexation of the greater area of the age-long Greek Macedonia to a neighboring country, which at the time was Greece’s enemy.”


Witnesses for the prosecution


N. Batsilas, policeman; J. Germanidis, president of the Florina Doctors’ Association, and elected Florina District Councilman for the political party “New Democracy”; N. Fanouriakis, president of the Florina Merchants’ Association; A. Konstantinidis, lawyer; Th. Passalis, priest-canon of the Florina Diocese; A. Germanidis, Secretary of the Florina District Organization of the political party “Coalition”; T. Kokkos, journalist; D. Liatopoulos, merchant; L. Nalpantidis, president of the commune Aghios Achillios, Florina; C. Zaravelis, president of the “Radiotaxi” Association; J. Novas, merchant; G. Moulis, representative of the Florina District Organization of the political party “Communist Party of Greece - KKE”; F. Kolettis, President of the Florina District Organization of the political party “New Democracy”; D. Tserkezos, Secretary General of the “National Organization of Macedonian Fighters of the Florina District”; E. Mavropoulos, representative of the Florina District Organization of the political party “Political Spring”; M. Tsotskos, Secretary of the Florina District Organization of the political party “PASOK”. Moreover, the prosecution added in the trial file public statements denouncing the bilingual sign, issued in September 1995 by the Florina Bar Association, and by the General Meeting of the Florina Diocese Priests.


Allegedly violated Article 192 of the penal code


“One who publicly and by any means causes or incites citizens to commit acts of violence upon each other or to disturb the peace through disharmony among them shall be punished by imprisonment for not ore than two years unless a greater punishment is imposed by another provision.”



(Greek National Committee of the International Helsinki Federation)


(Greek Affiliate of Minority Rights Group International)

P.O. Box 51393, GR-14510 Kifisia, Greece

Tel. 30-1-620.01.20; Fax: 30-1-807.57.67; E-mail: helsinki@compulink.gr









Following the appeal launched by our organizations on 1/10/1997, a considerable number of human rights and other organizations publicly condemned the trial of the Rainbow Macedonian activists to be held on 14/10/1997. They did so with published statements or during the press conference our organizations held on 10/10/1997 in the Foreign Press Club in Athens.


The following non-governmental organizations participated in the press conference:

Citizens’ Movement Against Racism,

Forum of Social and Youth Organizations for Human Rights,

Greek Committee for International Democratic Solidarity (EEDDA)

Greek Helsinki Monitor

Greek League for Human and Civil Rights,

Minority Rights Group - Greece

Movement for Human Rights and Against Racism (Kalamata),

Network of Movements for Political and Social Rights,

SOS Racism,

Turkish Minority Movement for Human and Minority Rights

Youth Against Racism in Europe (YRE).

Also the political parties:

Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of Greece (OAKKE)

Progressive Left Coalition (Synaspismos).


Follow the initial appeal of our organizations and the statements received

From Greece:

1. Birol Akifoglou - New Democracy Member Of Parliament For Xanthi

2. Progressive Left Coalition (Synaspismos)

3. Turkish Minority Movement For Human And Minority Rights

From international NGOs:

1.   Albanian Helsinki Committee

2.   Amnesty International

3.   Bulgarian Helsinki Committee

4.   Human Rights Watch/Helsinki

5.   International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights

6.   Moscow Helsinki Group




(Greek National Committee of the International Helsinki Federation)


(Greek Affiliate of Minority Rights Group International)

P.O. Box 51393, GR-14510 Kifisia, Greece

Tel. 30-1-620.01.20; Fax: 30-1-807.57.67; E-mail: helsinki@compulink.gr









The cooperating organizations, Greek Helsinki Monitor and Minority Rights Group - Greece, appeal to the international community, to concerned individuals but especially to governmental and non-governmental organizations as well as to the media to publicly protest against the -outrageous for a democratic country- forthcoming trial of Vasilis Romas, Costas Tasopoulos, Petros Vasiliadis, and Pavlos Voskopoulos, in their capacity as leaders of “Rainbow” -the  Macedonian minority party in Greece- for public use of their mother tongue. These protests may take the form of statements and/or letters to the Prime Minister of Greece and/or the Greek Embassies in the various countries. They also appeal to these institutions to send monitors to that trial, to be held on 14/10/1997, in Florina (Northern Greece). The International Helsinki Federation has decided to send a large, multinational monitoring team. Please send copies of such statements or letters to our organizations (see address above).


It is noteworthy that the witnesses of the prosecution include the local leaders of all five main Greek parties at the time (PASOK, ND, Political Spring, KKE, and Coalition); as well as leaders of professional associations (lawyers, merchants, priests, taxi drivers). Most of them, in their pre-trial depositions characterize the defendants as “paid agents of Skopjan propaganda”, “anti-Greeks”, etc. Follow: a summary of the September 1995 events; complete translations of the indictment and of the allegedly violated artcile of the penal code; and the list of witnesses for the prosecution.


The events of September 1995


Rainbow opened an office on 6/9/1995 in Florina, with a sign mentioning “Rainbow - Florina Committee” in both Greek and Macedonian. On the evening and night of 13 (and early hours of 14)/9/1995, the office was attacked and eventually sacked by a ‘mob’, led by the mayor of Florina. Before the sacking, police acting on the prosecutor’s order removed the sign, while the prosecutor announced the indictment of the Rainbow leaders for having incited discord among citizens through the use of the Macedonian language in their sign. No political party, nor any media condemned the sacking of the party offices. On the contrary it was praised by extreme right nationalistic papers like Stohos and Chrysi Avghi, whose members reportedly took part in the sacking. And the use of the bilingual sign was condemned by all mainstream political parties and other social groups: the local PASOK -socialist governing party- organization even initiated a court procedure, later withdrawn as it appeared that many signatures on it had been put without the knowledge of those concerned.


Indictment for the trial at the Single-Member Misdemeanor Court of Florina on October 14, 1997


“Vasilis Romas, Costas Tasopoulos, Petros Vasiliadis, and Pavlos Voskopoulos are responsible for, having acted jointly and in public, in any way having caused and incited mutual hatred among the citizens, so that common peace was disturbed on September 6, 1995 in Florina. Specifically, in the aforementioned place and time, as legally representing the party with the name “Rainbow” (“Ouranio Toxo”), the four defendants hanged a sign in that party’s office - in N. Hasou and St. Dragoumi streets. Among other words written therein, there were the words “Lerinski Komitet” written in a Slavic linguistic idiom. These words, in combination with the fact that they were written in a foreign language, in the specific Slavic linguistic idiom, provoked and incited discord among the area’s citizens. The latter justifiably, besides other things, identify these words with an old terrorist organization of Slavic-speaking alien nationals which was active in the area and which, with genocide crimes, pillages and depredations against the indigenous Greek population, attempted the annihilation of the Greek element and the annexation of the greater area of the age-long Greek Macedonia to a neighboring country, which at the time was Greece’s enemy.”


Witnesses for the prosecution


N. Batsilas, policeman; J. Germanidis, president of the Florina Doctors’ Association, and elected Florina District Councilman for the political party “New Democracy”; N. Fanouriakis, president of the Florina Merchants’ Association; A. Konstantinidis, lawyer; Th. Passalis, priest-canon of the Florina Diocese; A. Germanidis, Secretary of the Florina District Organization of the political party “Coalition”; T. Kokkos, journalist; D. Liatopoulos, merchant; L. Nalpantidis, president of the commune Aghios Achillios, Florina; C. Zaravelis, president of the “Radiotaxi” Association; J. Novas, merchant; G. Moulis, representative of the Florina District Organization of the political party “Communist Party of Greece - KKE”; F. Kolettis, President of the Florina District Organization of the political party “New Democracy”; D. Tserkezos, Secretary General of the “National Organization of Macedonian Fighters of the Florina District”; E. Mavropoulos, representative of the Florina District Organization of the political party “Political Spring”; M. Tsotskos, Secretary of the Florina District Organization of the political party “PASOK”. Moreover, the prosecution added in the trial file public statements denouncing the bilingual sign, issued in September 1995 by the Florina Bar Association, and by the General Meeting of the Florina Diocese Priests.


Allegedly violated Article 192 of the penal code


“One who publicly and by any means causes or incites citizens to commit acts of violence upon each other or to disturb the peace through disharmony among them shall be punished by imprisonment for not ore than two years unless a greater punishment is imposed by another provision.”



Member of Parliament for Xanthi

Town Councilor in the Municipality of Xanthi




     Athens 9/10/97


I consider it my obligation to condemn the upcoming trial of activists of the “Rainbow” political party, in Florina, on the 14/10/97. These cadres are prosecuted because the party used an inscription in the mother language of the minority citizens in Macedonia similar to those used in their own mother language by politicians of the minority in Thrace without them being prosecuted.


I consider that it is time for Greek justice to align itself with the internationally applicable principles of human and minority rights, which are binding also for Greece. Inter alia, these allow for the possibility of minorities to self-ascription and not hetero-determination, as well as for the respect and free use of mother languages.


Akifoglou Birol

Member of Parliament for Xanthi



(The translation in English is the responsibility of Greek Helsinki Monitor)































Concerning the trial of “Rainbow” members in Florina, the Coalition’s Press Office stresses that:


The trial against “Rainbow” members to be held in Florina on 14/10 is based on article 192 of the Penal Code, which is a residue of the civil war and the abolition of which the Coalition has asked for since 1992.


Such trials violate freedom of expression and aggravate rather than solve the problems.


Our country must respect the OSCE Treaties, as well as the Council of Europe’s Convention on minority rights which she has signed.


9/10/97                                                                                                         Press Office


(The translation in English is the responsibility of Greek Helsinki Monitor)





































      Komotini 8-10-97


On the occasion of the "Trial of the Florina Four", the Turkish Minority Movement for Human and Minority Rights denounces the national-totalitarian mentality governing the overall prosecution of the four activists of the minority Macedonian party "Rainbow", Romas Bassilis, Tassopoulos Costas, Vassiliades Petros and Voskopoulos Pavlos, who will be brought to trial on the 14.10.97, in Florina, for hanging up a sign with an inscription in their mother Macedonian minority language, on the charge that this has provoked division among the citizens.


So, we denounce the national - totalitarian mentaility in the planning of the prosecution as the truly guilty party for provoking a division among the citizens which does not tolerate any expression of minority and ethnic-cultural differences, as a curse upon the Balkans and as a father of Balkan fascism and racism which is resuscitated magnificently with the oncoming "Trial of the Florina Four" and with all that has preceded the trial. And thus it proves that it has lost nothing from its vigor and leveling out momentum on account of the country's European perspective, the incorporation into the procedures of a multicultural society and the international commitments to respect and protect minority groups. National-totalitarianism is flourishing.


Consequently, it is not an unprecedented matter that an inscription in a minority mother language is dealt with as high treason and is prosecuted, that the right to ethnic self - ascription of minority groups is considered as treason and is banned, and that terrorism against minorities by means of the familiar method of indignant citizens is consecrated and rewarded.


Among all its negative aspects, the Florina trial achieves also a positive function: it reveals the true situation prevailing in the field of minority rights in Greece, but also in the field of freedom of expression when it does not proceed in parallel with the dominant national-totalitarianism. Also, it exposes the hypocritical stance taken by the modernist government which, abroad and in relation to the neighboring countries, devotes itself to championing human and minority rights, whereas inside the country, to anachronistic authoritarianism. Moreover, it exposes the guilty silence and eloquent complicity on the part of the political parties.


The Turkish Minority Movement for Human and Minority Rights coming from a similar area, the Turkish Minority in Thrace, confronted with similar problems, deprivations, restrictions and persecutions, offers its whole-hearted support to the Florina Four in their ordeal.


(The translation in English is the responsibility of Greek Helsinki Monitor)



Rr. Ali Deimi, Pall. 2, Ap. 12 Tirana - Albania





October 8, 1997


The AHC joins the voice of concern to that of the international HR community about the upcoming trial of four Greek citizens from the Macedonian minority to be held in Florina on October14. We believe that the charges against them are in open contradiction to the law and practices of a democratic country as Greece is and to the international instruments, in particular to the Convention for the Protection of National Minorities of the Council of  Europe.


The four individuals are accused of "having caused and incited mutual hared among citizens", because they hung a sign in both the Greek and Macedonian languages outside their party - office in Florina two years ago.


Any consideration related to the past is not a sufficient basis for a criminal action to be initiated by the state against individuals or an organization that wishes to use its mother language.


We hope that reason will prevail and the Greek Court will drop the charges brought against the four defendants, thus giving one more proof that Greece is fully devoted to the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms as it suits to a genuine democracy.

























AI INDEX: EUR 25/10/97                                                              NEWS SERVICE

9 OCTOBER 1997                                                                                        171/97


Greece: Amnesty International will adopt members of “Rainbow” party as prisoners of conscience in case of imprisonment


Amnesty International will adopt four members of the ethnic Macedonian minority party “Rainbow” as prisoners of conscience and will call for their immediate and unconditional release should they be imprisoned after their trial, the human rights organization said in a letter to the Greek government today.


According to the indictment the four “Rainbow” members Vasilis Romas, Costas Tasopoulos, Petros Vasiliadis, and Pavlos Voskopoulos - whose trial will begin in Florina on 14 October - are accused of “causing and inciting mutual hatred among the citizens” and thus violating Article 192 of the Greek Penal Code by displaying a sign, with the words “Florina Committee” in both Greek and Macedonian, outside the Florina office of the Rainbow Party in September 1995.


The indictment further states that the use of the Macedonian words “Lerinski Komitet” “provoked and incited discord among the area’s citizens [who] justifiably … identify these words with an old terrorist organization of Slavic-speaking alien nationals which was active in the area”.


According to Amnesty International’s information, the sign was removed by order of the local authorities and shortly afterwards the office was attacked by a mob. Reportedly no charges have been brought in connection with the attack.


Amnesty International believes that the prosecution of Vasilis Romas, Costas Tasopoulos, Petros Vasiliadis, and Pavlos Voskopoulos represents a violation of Article 10 (1) of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR), which Greece has ratified and is legally bound to observe. Article 10 (1) states that: “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers”.


















8 October 1997


Bulgarian Helsinki Committee is deeply concerned about the prosecution and possible conviction of four Greek citizens - Vasilis Romas, Costas Tasopulos, Petros Vasilidis, and Pavlos Voskopoulos, activist of the Rainbow Party. According to the information, available to the BHC, the four individuals face trial for the peaceful expression of their

opinions - for hanging a sign on Greek and Macedonian outside of their party office in Florina. This allegedly was the cause of violent acts of which however the activists of the Macedonian Party were the sole victims.


Prosecution and possible conviction in such circumstances is in violation of a number of provisions of international human rights law, including some accepted by Greece. We call upon the Greek government to carefully reconsider the basis of the charges and to drop them.




Krassimir Kanev



Bulgarian Helsinki Committee






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October 9, 1997


Mr. Costas Simitis

Prime Minister of Greece


Honorable Prime Minister Simitis:


     Human Rights Watch/Helsinki, the largest American-based human rights organization, is deeply concerned about the upcoming trial of four Greek citizens from the Macedonian minority to be held in Florina on October 14.  We believe that the charges against them do not comport with Greek or international law and comprise an unlawful restriction on the right to free expression.


     The four individuals, Vasilis Romas, Costas Tasopoulos, Petros Vasiliadis, and Pavlos Voskopoulos, activists of the ethnic Macedonian Rainbow Party, are accused of "having caused and incited mutual hatred among citizens" because they hung a sign on September 6, 1995, saying "Rainbow - Florina Committee" in both the Greek and Macedonian languages outside of their party office in Florina. In the evening of September 13, the police removed the sign on order of the state prosecutor. Shortly thereafter, a mob of people led by the Florina mayor physically attacked the office.


     The prosecutor charged the Rainbow Party leaders with inciting citizens to commit acts of violence, according to Article 192 of the Greek Penal Code.  No criminal charges have been filed against the individuals or political leaders who took part in the attack on the office, even though the Rainbow Party leaders have filed such complaints.  Quite the contrary, neither the government nor any of the major political parties condemned the attack.  PASOK, the ruling party in Greece, publicly condemned the use of bilingual signs.


     Human Rights Watch/Helsinki understands that the Macedonian minority in Greece is a sensitive political and emotional issue and that the Macedonian words "Lerinski Komitet" ("Florina Committee") outside of the Rainbow Party office reminded some Greek citizens of a terrorist organization that was historically active in the region.  However, this in no way justifies a mob attack on the party's office or a criminal action by the state against those who use their mother language. Human Rights Watch/Helsinki considers such legal action to be a direct violation of the right to free expression, as guaranteed in both Greek and international law.  Likewise, by not prosecuting those who attacked the Rainbow Party office, the state is tolerating and, therefore, implicitly condoning mob justice rather than the rule of law.  Human Rights Watch/Helsinki calls on the Greek government to drop its charges against the four defendants and to prosecute those who organized and were involved in the September 14, 1995, attack.


Sincerely yours,

Holly Cartner  (Executive Director)


Rummelhardtgasse 2/18, 1090 Vienna, Austria;  Bank account: Creditanstalt-Bankverein 0221-00283/00, BLZ 11 000

Tel: +43-1-402 73 87, 408 88 22,   Fax: +43-1-408 74 44,   E-mail: helsinki@ping.at







Vienna, 9 October 1997: The International Helsinki Federation (IHF) appeals to the international community to give due attention to the trial of four leaders of “Rainbow,” the Macedonian minority party in Greece, in Florina, northern Greece on 14 October.


The members of this legal political party are charged under Article 192 of the Greek Penal Code concerning incitement to violence or peace disturbance, for hanging a sign in the party’s office displaying the words “Lerinski Komitet.”


The indictment alleges that the use of these words, “in combination with the fact that they are written in a foreign language, in the specific Slavic idiom, provoked and incited discord among the area’s citizens,” adding that one can justifiably identify these words with “an old terrorist organization of Slavic-speaking alien nationals . . .”


The IHF is concerned about the charges brought against these individuals. A verdict of guilt of the accused on such grounds would put Greece in the position of violating its international obligations under the recently signed “Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities” of the Council of Europe, and its commitments undertaken as a member of the OSCE with regard to freedom of expression and minority rights.


The IHF will send a mission of observation to the trial and will report to the international community further about this worrisome case.




The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF) is a non-governmental organization which monitors compliance with the human rights provisions of the Helsinki Final Act and its follow-up documents. In addition to supporting and providing liaison among 31 Helsinki committees, the IHF has direct links with human rights activists where no Helsinki committee exists. It criticizes human rights abuses regardless of the political system of the state where these abuses occur.


NATIONAL HELSINKI COMMITTEES IN: Albania - Austria – Belarus - Bosnia-Herzegovina - Bulgaria - Canada - Croatia - Czech Republic - Denmark – Finland - France – Germany - Greece - Hungary - Italy - Kazakhstan - Kosovo - Macedonia - Montenegro - Netherlands – Norway - Poland – Romania - Russia - Serbia - Slovakia - Slovenia - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States.








To: The Greek Embassy in the Russian Federation


                                                                                                October 8, 1997


Your Excellency, Mr. Ambassador


            The Moscow Helsinki Group categorically protests against the outrageous persecutions of the leaders of the Rainbow Macedonian minority party in Greece: Vasilia Romas, Costas Tasopoulos, Petros Vasiliadis, and Pavlos Voskopoulos. This situation is absolutely unacceptable in a democratic country. They are all awaiting trial for the "public use of their mother tongue" on a bilingual sign in their office in Florina.


            The Moscow Helsinki Group believes that this action cannot be qualified as an initiation of discord among nationalities nor will it lead to the annihilation of any ethnic groups. On the contrary this trial is a violation of national equality.


            The Moscow Helsinki Group is the oldest human rights organization in Russia, an initiator of the International Helsinki Human Rights movement, and a member of the International Helsinki Federation.



Ludmilla Alexeeva

MHG Chief


Moscow Helsinki Group

Bol.Golovin per.22,build.1

103045 Moscow, Russia

Tel.(095)207-39-13, 207-16-32

Tel/Fax (095)207-60-69, 207-17-94

E-mail: mhg@glasnet.ru

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